When I was a kid I remember how much influence my Dad had on our family. When he walked through the door at night things changed. The energy in the room changed immediately, we all stood a little taller, we paid close attention to his mood and behavior and we tried a little harder to get along with each other.

The Influence Of The Leader

When my boys came along I had a hard time recognizing I had that same influence, but according to my sons it was there.

My point is “Leader's INFLUENCE.”  Regardless of the situation, time or place, leaders just naturally influence others.

Dr Bob Rausch Influence of a Leader Infographic

Many leaders recognize the impact of the people who lead them and yet somehow don't make the same connection or realize the impact of their own leadership on others.  The very presence of a leader makes an impact, not to mention the impact of what they “say and do.”

In The Paradox Principles the Price Waterhouse Change Integration Team made this statement,

“A new interactive model of leadership is emerging – one that relies more on the power of influence than of command and control.”

You influence the people you lead.  What legacy do you want to leave behind after your leadership role is over? It takes courage to understand the impact of influence.

Dr. Bob Rausch

Dr. Bob coaches clients from stress to success with his understanding of human behavior dynamics. He has his Clinical Psychology Ph.D. and has logged over 30,000 hours in a private practice in Psychology. He has spent 15 years as an executive coach and mentor and wants to give you the energy needed for a refuel!


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