Facebook Fan Page Tab

4 Clicks – Capture Page To Facebook Fanpage Tab

Facebook Fanpage Tab… you know the one at top of your fan page

Have you been ignoring it?

Don't… That's pretty prime real estate there.

*If you are a network marketer or biz opp business owner I would suggest NOT putting your affiliate link in that spot… JUST In case Facebook does an audit on your account when you start doing paid traffic they will look at that and see if you are a “Value Based” business or “Business Opportunity” business.

To setup a Capture Page tab in Facebook isn't hard at all.

Do you got 7 seconds?

4 Clicks and 7 Seconds – Capture Page To Facebook Fanpage Tab


Here is what you will need.

1) Capture Page – Best to double dip by having a capture page that has the ability to get the Facebook Like Also or at least having an ability to make capture pages. I create mine using LeadPages (my customers get custom training on how I generated thousands of leads using the software.

Here is an example of a capture page with Facebook LIKE call to action (facebook tab example)

2) Facebook Fan – It can be in any niche, mine is in affiliate marketing.
Here is my facebook fanpage to get an example.

Notice the fanpage tab can be named anything you want



Why Content Writing is Sexy (And Where To Get It For Yourself)

Content writing. It is not just a catch all term, for anything written online; it is the written representation of you and your business and all it represents.

Basically, it your ideas online.

Writing has been a powerful influence for centuries. Now, in the information age, it is more important than ever.

Content writing can make or break your business, your influence and your bottom line.

Done right, content writing is downright sexy.

Done wrong, content writing is downright disastrous.

What is content writing? How do I use it as the powerful tool in my business arsenal and where do I find good content and/or a good content writer?

Check Out This PowerPoint Presentation on Content Writing

Funny you should ask. I was just about to get into that.

LT 16: Breakthrough Advertising with Avram Gonzales

5 Levels of understanding your customer and where they are in the buying process. Listen in to this Breakthrough Advertising podcast interview with Avram Gonzales on the Project Mayhem Podcast.


Project Mayhem Podcast 16 – Breakthrough Advertising with Avram Gonzales 

Listen Here:


MindMap: Breakthrough Advertising Chapter 7 – Intensification


 *found on copywritingjournal

Show Notes:


how to make money fast

How To Make Money Fast: 30 Ways, Plus 200 Ways To Make Money Online [Infographic]

How to make money fast is at the forefront of  many people's minds. You don’t need to be in dire straits or a victim of the economic depression to be interested in how to make money fast. Opportunities are nearly endless for those willing to do a little research and work to ensure their money-making ventures are a success.  This article will examine several different income generating ideas that can help everyday people learn how to make money fast.

I am including a list of companies that you can use, but please note: I do not personally endorse any of these companies. It is up to you to research them to see if they are a good fit.

Now let's get down to business.

Read to the end to see the bonus infographic: 200 Ways to Make Money Online.


#1 How to Make Money Fast: Complete Needed Services
