Wanna Generate Leads?
For the most part many have no clue how to generate leads. One might think spamming people all over the net about their business is a good way to do that. Or better yet buying them.
Look, I'm not saying buying leads are a bad way to build a business as I still today buy them. You just need to be careful on not buying BAD ones and keeping the cost and return in check. Instead, I want to focus on how to generate leads vs buying them outright.
So we will touch on buying leads on another post.
Generate Leads Using Facebook PPC
If you haven't been through My Lead System Pro, Facebook PPC training is a must if you want to get a giant step up on your competition. To check out the training below
This is the preferred method to generate leads today for a home based business. With the constant changes to Google PPC and how Yahoo and Bing merger really messed up the traffic I would only recommend Facebook PPC as a method to Generate Leads for ppc at this point. There are others and the returns generally won't be as large but if you had to focus on ONE I would say Facebook.
If your looking to Generate Leads on the cheap end….. (more…)