November 2013 Monthly Update

On the fourth Thursday of November, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, a national holiday honoring the early settlers and their…. Just kidding, this is not that kind of update. Rather, It's an overview of what is happening on the Tam side of life including business, learnings, questions and fun. Just for you.

*There is a LOT of trainings and information on this page. You will want to BOOKMARK this page. 

Work Hard, Play Hard November 2013

First let's talk shop then on to the really good stuff.  I know, I know… fun is better first, but who said making money had to be boring. Let me show you how.

As you know (and if you don't) I have an online business as a a full time internet marketer. I train and teach others how to do the same while also partnering as an affiliate to which I have made a lot income from and it has allowed me to retire myself and my wife from ever having to work another day again as a Mechanical Engineer (me) or Accountant (wife).

Now, this didn't come easy… anything worth doing is not easy but it reaps great reward and because of it, I know other's like me can do it too so it's my mission to show you the possibility.

In fact, here are two new millionaires that just reached their goal with Empower Network.

My friends Shaq and Justin with his lovely wife D. They both started with humble beginnings and worked hard to reach their dreams and escape the “rat race”… just like me.

This now makes 7 millionaires and the company is 2 years old!









My advice is you have to work hard… get the right mindset by surrounding yourself with people that also have and want the same things and keep pushing.

Did you know I almost gave up before hitting it big!? It's true. I was tired and burned out but I didn't quit and just a couple months later it all blew up and since then I have never looked back. Every time you want to give up think of this image.


LT 6: B-A-R-M

BARM – Podcast #6

Listen Here:

Speaking at No Excuses 4

Not too long ago i was the one who was only there to learn… not teach.

Now speaking on stage has been more common.


Met Ann Sieg Finally

She was one of the first people I met online back in 2008 when I was learning about “Attraction Marketing”.

2008  I was a complete Newbie online. Didn't have a clue what traffic was or how to build a website.
I read one of her pdfs and listened to her audios while waiting for my van pool at 5:30am…

yeah… I used to ride a van pool to work cause it literally took 45-60min each way and getting on the HOV lane
was way better than driving solo through US 59.

What was even cooler… she actually knew who I was 😉
Never spoken with her but had to snag her and grab a pick.


*not sure what the deal was with my phone.. it had weird purple stuff going on and had it replaced but I guess it goes with Ann's shirt? 😉



Congrats Little Sis For Becoming a Dentist!

This is me photo bombing my sister… Yes.. I know. you are supposed to do it ninja like and not just jump into someone's face and selfie…

but hey… this is what big brothers are for 😉

liana tam graduation


Sleep Study

I didn't speak about this on the podcast but it was too hilarious to NOT put on the podcast as it was in that same time frame of Las Vegas, My sister's graduation, and Houston IPI event.

My wife believes I have some form of sleep apnea (where you stop breathing when you sleep at night) and wanted to do a test. I do some sleep walking… where I go and pick up my phone and I wake up and go… What THE heck!

This was an over night test and it came back saying I had ~50+ times in the 9 hour block I would stop breathing.

My thoughts are that my mind is always “ON”….

It's kinda like having a hard drive (external) and you just keep it plugged in.. .even though you don't turn it off.. it never really goes off..

well… like my laptop.

We are looking at sleeping machines or possible surgery to open up air way sin my nose and back of my throat to help breathing.
Some of it is allergies and living in Houston doesn't help when the season kicks in.

[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””]lawrence tam sleep study[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””]lawrence tam sleep study[/wpcol_1half_end]





Show Transcription

Lawrence: Hey, this is Lawrence Tam and I want to welcome you to podcast No. 6, Project Mayhem, I’m your host, Lawrence Tam. Project Mayhem was the idea that you can actually in a crazy life, be married, having kids, having no time to build a business, working full time, you too can still build a fantastic business.


Selling on Facebook – How To Start

updated 12/11/14

Selling on Facebook can help boost your business in most industries, whether it is retail, affiliate programs, digital products or services. Selling on Facebook the right way provides a captive audience for whatever you are offering. It can increase your customer base, increase your sales and increase the number of returning customers. Developing a way for customers to keep track of your products and services in an engaging way is hard work, but can reward you with a healthier business.

