Why Content Writing is Sexy (And Where To Get It For Yourself)

Content writing. It is not just a catch all term, for anything written online; it is the written representation of you and your business and all it represents.

Basically, it your ideas online.

Writing has been a powerful influence for centuries. Now, in the information age, it is more important than ever.

Content writing can make or break your business, your influence and your bottom line.

Done right, content writing is downright sexy.

Done wrong, content writing is downright disastrous.

What is content writing? How do I use it as the powerful tool in my business arsenal and where do I find good content and/or a good content writer?

Check Out This PowerPoint Presentation on Content Writing

Funny you should ask. I was just about to get into that.

Content Writer For Hire: How To Get Hired NOW

If you are a good writer, you have may have heard of all the ways you can make money as a wordsmith. Or, maybe you haven't. Did you know that if you have good writing skills, you could be making a living as a content writer?

A content writer is someone who creates written work that are to be published to the masses, usually for profit, but not always. I have a more extensive definition of a content writer and how content writing is a big deal.

Let's look at how you can get into the lucrative business of being a content writer. You can also check out this great article by Humanities 360 which tells you Which Avenue of Writing is the most Lucrative.


How To Start Making Money Writing From Home
